How obsessed are we all with our dog’s poo? Sometimes the changes in your dog’s poo could mean a check-up at the vets, so it’s good to be aware what this can mean.
Black or very dark dog poo can be a sign of stomach ulcers in dogs, or bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract. If your dog is doing black poos, losing weight and vomiting it’s worth talking to your vet.
Red poo, which contains red streaks, can be a sign of an anal gland infection or colitis, if this is happening repeatedly, contact your vet.
Yellow dog poo can indicate a food intolerance. If you have recently changed your dog’s diet or you know they have eaten something they should not, consider reverting back to the old diet and if yellow dog poo continues, contact your vet. They will be able to investigate further and test for any food intolerance issues.
Orange poo may indicate a liver or biliary problem. This can happen when your dog’s digestive system is getting rid of the digested food earlier than it normally would, and the bile has not had a chance to turn it into a normal brown. If this happens and continues, contact your vet.
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