Trusted Products

We fully believe in supporting our animals’ health and immune systems naturally and would like to share some of our trusted products with you.

*Please note we do not get paid to advertise these products, we use them ourselves and have seen some unbelievable results.*

PurePhyto – Pet CBD Oil

We use CBD oil on all of our anxious and ill residents and have seen some very noticeable results.

Cannabis oil can be used to treat seizures, nausea, stress, anxiety, arthritis, back pain, symptoms of cancer, and gastrointestinal issues, among other health conditions in dogs and cats.

Many CBD oils are not pure and can be mixed with useless things such as hemp to bulk them out but have no health effect. Many are also not lab tested.

Zoe Bee Skincare

Zoe Bee Beauty is an increasingly popular creator of a wide range of natural, cruelty free, Vegan skincare products for men, women and children of all ages.

Beautifully crafted creams for hand, body and face that look good enough to eat. £1 of every purchase goes to an animal in need at Flori’s.

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