Disabled Dog Specialists

Whilst we also rescue hundreds of able-bodied animals, we are a specialist rehabilitation centre for disabled and mobility impaired animals.

This means dealing with often very complex medical needs and taking these dogs on the road to recovery in order for them to go on and enjoy the rest of their lives like any other dog.

We have a specialist network of vets, suppliers and trainers who help us to take care of these dogs and get them the right treatment for their needs. Once they’ve been treated physically and nursed back to health, we start to train them to use their new wheelchairs and sometimes even prosthetics. As they get the hang of their new wheels, we see them grow in confidence and really start to get their sparkle back.

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What happens when we receive a disabled dog?

First of all, we have to assess them for any immediate veterinary care required. This includes a urine test as many of these dogs arrive with UTIs and genital prolapses.

Once their medical needs have been addressed, the team will fit the dog with nappies and leg bandages and also introduce them to a temporary wheelchair to enable them to enjoy the outside world. Their double rear leg and tail amputation is then booked in with the surgeon.

After surgery, the dogs spend 2 weeks in recovery pens and are only allowed out for short, regular walks outside. This is the hardest part, as the dogs have to be kept as still as possible, happy and entertained.

Once the healing is complete, the dog is measured for a custom wheelchair from our specialist supplier in America, and also custom made disabled dog playsuits.

After all the training is complete, the dog is ready to fly our nest into a loving forever home with their adopted family.

Meet Giselle - the one-legged dog

Giselle was just one year old when she left at side of the road for 6 days after being hit by a car. She'd been there for so long her spine, which had been broken had fused back together. She was left with only one working leg and her future looked bleak.

As our most complex case to date, the vet bills were going to be high, so we undertook a special fundraising campaign to get her the treatment she needed alongside a bespoke cart and a prosthetic leg. Thanks to supporters to like you, this is Giselle enjoying her life today.


Can you help?

Sponsor one of our disabled dogs

Rescuing and rehabilitating disabled dogs often means they have to stay with us for long periods of time, as well as incurring significant veterinary care costs. You can help one of these animals by sponsoring their care with us. For just a small amount each month, we will send you an update of how your chosen dog is progressing on their journey to recovery and a brand new life.

View our current animals needing sponsorship.

Kennel appeal

Unfortunately, very few rescues can offer this level of specialist care and the demand is currently more than we are able to accommodate. This means that, sadly, we are having to turn away animals that really need our help. To increase our capacity to help more dogs, we are currently looking to buy our own kennels in the Kent area where we can set up a dedicated rehabilitation suite. However, it’s a big step, and we need your help.

If you can help us to achieve this in any of the following ways, please do get in touch:

  • Identifying and acquiring land/suitable space
  • Fundraising
  • Contacts who may be in a position to help us achieve our goal
  • Donations
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