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Giselle came to us in early 2021 as our most complex case to date. She had been hit by a car and left laid in severe pain at the side of the road for 6 days. She had suffered a complete spinal break, and due to the time she was left at the roadside, her spine had fused together. This left her with just one working leg and needing a prosthetic for her damaged front paw and a four-wheel cart to support herself and get her mobility back.

Giselle underwent a complex amputation of her back legs and after recovering from the surgery with the help of our founder, Natalia, she began getting accustomed to her four-wheeled cart to enable her to move around more easily. She was then slowly introduced to her new prosthetic leg, whilst also undergoing hydrotherapy to strengthen her chest. This was to enable her to progress onto a two wheel cart in time, to give her as much mobility back as possible.

After many months of extremely hard work from the team, Giselle has successfully transitioned to using a two wheeled cart and is now really enjoying her life again living with Natalia. However, due to her complex needs, she will be staying in rescue for the foreseeable future. By sponsoring Giselle, you can help us to ensure she continues to receive the intensive care she needs in order to remain happy and healthy and leading the life we think she deserves.


Her annual costs are as follows
* shoulder and below X-rays to check for sign of osteoarthritis due to using a prosthesis
* kidney blood tests
* prosthesis refurbishment
* urine testing to check bladder health
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