Meet 1 year old Sophie, a pedigree German Terrier who has had just the most awful life. She initially came into the rescue with a broken spine from human inflicted injuries. We removed her back legs and tail and fully rehabilated her, she now zooms around like any other dog. Sophie was SUPER sad when she came into rescue and we spent so long getting her happy. We found Sophie a forever home who unfortunately didn’t want her after 6 months. When she came back to rescue she was very quiet, subdued and hid for some time. Sophie was super sad to have been given up but she also seemed like she was in pain so we got her vet checked. Sophie then had an x-ray which showed she is riddled with osteoarthritis in both front legs (particularly the right one). and sadly will not see more than another 1-2 years maximum (although hard to put a timeline on it given she’s so determined to do everything).
Sophie will now stay under the rescue (and we are hoping to find her a foster). This means until the end of her life Flori’s Friends has to pay for her:
monthly vet bills
puppy pads and wet wipes and all changing equipment
this is a large monthly cost for the rescue and by her sponsoring her it would enable us to put funds into other disabled dogs in crisis.