
Our darling Winnipeg gave us a huge scare recently when she developed a 41 degree fever and went completely lame. For many days we were scared for her life. After three days of home nursing, morphine and fluids we managed to get her booked in for investigative surgery with our orthopaedic specialist, Enrico.

The surgery discovered multiple luxating joints in her toes, which have now had to be removed and the metal plate in her leg was found to be rubbing onto another bone. This was also successfully removed.

This was quite an invasive and expensive surgery and Winniepeg now has a long road to recovery and to learn how to walk again. We are a few weeks on now and she is managing 10 mins of walking twice a day . The rest of the time she is pushed in the pram so she doesn’t miss out on her pack walks. It is safe to say she seems to be enjoying it a bit too much! Long term, Winnie now requires fortnightly physiotherapy and daily laser treatment.

If you would like to sponsor Winnie and her on going long-term costs please click here.

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