Lucy Eruero



As many of our supporters know, Fern has been approaching end of life for quite a few months now. However, somehow, she keeps managing to hold on and somehow our miracle orthopaedic specialist produces different drugs that help her to keep on trucking. Given the severity of Fern’s issues and the heavy management she now

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Barney in his new home

Barney has a new home!

Many of you have followed Barney’s unbelievably long and very sad journey at this rescue and also watched his incredible transformation. Barney has suffered a vast amount of trauma in his short life and arrived to us a completely shut down dog that wouldn’t even eat. Barney was initially adopted as a Romanian stray after

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Ethel and Beatrice

In October, we welcomed two beautiful Persians named Ethel and Beatrice. Both came from a back yard breeder who was keeping them in unimaginable conditions; covered in thousands of fleas, eating and toileting from the same area and generally near on dead. They were discarded by the breeder due to them falling sick and no

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Christmas and Pets

If your dog is healthy and has no allergies to the foods listed, it is ok to feed them a small amount of these foods at Christmas: Foods that are poisonous to dogs Foods for cats to avoid As plenty of people will be letting fireworks off on New Years Eve check out our Shop

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Counterfeit product warning

Yumove Senior joint products have been illegally copied and are on sale from third party sellers on Amazon. If you have an Amazon account and have purchased these products, Amazon will have emailed you to notify you to dispose of the tablets. Do not give them to your dog. Please see the link below for

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Poo and your dog's health

Poo and your dog’s health

How obsessed are we all with our dog’s poo? Sometimes the changes in your dog’s poo could mean a check-up at the vets, so it’s good to be aware what this can mean. Black or very dark dog poo can be a sign of stomach ulcers in dogs, or bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract. If

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Our darling Winnipeg gave us a huge scare recently when she developed a 41 degree fever and went completely lame. For many days we were scared for her life. After three days of home nursing, morphine and fluids we managed to get her booked in for investigative surgery with our orthopaedic specialist, Enrico. The surgery

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